Soyavit Ltd.

The company was founded in 2006 with the main idea to produce healthy and delicious soy food. Over the years, the company has established itself as a leader in tofu production in Bulgaria and Europe. Since 2010, Soyavit has been producing only organic certified products to offer the best to tofu lovers. Our employees are our most valuable asset and as a loyal employer, Soyavit Ltd has been certified under SMETA regulations since 2017 (SMETA is the most widely used social audit in the world). Our production takes care of all good manufacturing practices, safety and traceability of our food, confirmed by our FSSC 22,000 certification since 2018.

Nowadays, Soyavit Ltd prepares tofu from high protein soybeans of Austrian origin to ensure quality, taste and the best experience for our customers. The food we eat is a reflection of our self-esteem and care for our families, relatives and friends. We offer tofu made from organic ingredients with no genetically modified organisms, no added preservatives and containing natural and healthy plant proteins, unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Tofu is an excellent source of valuable vegetable protein and contains all 9 essential amino acids. At the same time, it provides the human body with iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, vitamin B1 and others.

Our products are:

Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Without: GMOs, gluten, lactose and cholesterol
No preservatives, artificial flavors, flavor enhancers, colors

Currently Soyavit Ltd. is the market leader for organic tofu in Bulgaria. Our products are exported to Denmark, Germany, Romania, Malta, Cyprus and Saudi Arabia. Our team manages various private label projects, some for large international supermarket chains in different countries. Soyavit® is a licensed international trademark. When you buy Soyavit® branded products, you are not only buying delicious diet food, you are also keeping your body healthy.

През 2023 г., Соявит ООД е одобрена и започва изпълнение на проект
финансиран по Механизъм за възстановяване и устойчивост към Европейската
Проект: Технологична модернизация в предприятието 
Процедура: BG-RRP-3.004 Технологична модернизация  
Бенефициент: „СОЯВИТ“ ООД  
Обща стойност: 80 711.03 лв,
от които 40 355.51  лв европейско финансиране
 Начало: 10.04.2023г.
 Край: 10.04.2024г.